Inspiring Fridays

Social Material's interdiscipinary studio is based in a mental health housing scheme run by Family Mosaic Housing Association. In addition to our work in research, mindfulness and partnerships with museums we aim to run a variety of classes, workshops and projects for the residents; people accessing local mental health services; and local people of all ages. 

We have recently received funding from Hackney Giving, via the East London Community Foundation, towards Inspiring Fridays, a series of six Activity Days involving artists' workshops, visits to museums, galleries and parks, and information and signposting to other opportunities locally.

The Activity Days have been designed for adults with complex mental health needs and the aim is to inspire them adults involved to aspire to wider horizons, make new social connections, enjoy themselves and have fun. 

We are very grateful to receive support for the project from Hackney Giving through the East End Community Foundation.
(Image: A project participant, Albert at the Royal Observatory Greenwich)